All photos property of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
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World War I vets and wives Dec. 9th, 1961 At the Hotel Harbor. Frances Poulson, Katherine Hofstetter, Grace Luekens, Flora Jensen, Mamie McElhenney, Irene Padget, Claude Luekens, Wesley Poulson, Gertrude Campbell, Bob Noyce, Archie Dinius, Tom Williamson, Anna Williamson, Roy Hofstetter, Ruth Noyce, Zora Girard, Art Girard, Slim Yount, Al Nelson, Hazel Nelson, Leslie Yount, Julia Bowman, Isabelle Williams, Win Ballard, Rube Jensen, Mable Ballard, Lloyde Williams, Gertrude Webber Lorraine Robinson Steamboat Springs Hotel/Motel/Restaurant People B & W Photo Scanner: Epson 1640 SU