All photos property of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
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Portia Mansfield 1918 Co-founder of Perry-Mansfield Camp.
Attached with photo: "Exploring horseback pack trip from the old Charlie Mantle cabin in Hell's Canyon where we camped the night before up the canyon for eight miles. Charlie Mantle led our group of eight adults. Guy McNurlin gathered the horses from a fifty mile area. The swift river had to be crossed constantly from a narrow trail at the water's edge to continue on the opposite side winding high on the rocky slopes. We were probably the first party to explore this area on horse back and the first "white people" to travel in that part of Yampa Canyon since the early fur traders. After eight miles up the canyon we had to ride and swim our horses across the river to a sand bar to find our way out of the deep canyon. Note how we protected ourselves from too much sun: the typcial "Five Gallon Hat", long sleeved shirt and gauntlet gloves! A memorable trip."
Dual rights with Perry-Mansfield Camp. John Whittum Moffat County Yampa River Arts/Entertainment People B & W Photo Scanner: Epson V700 Photo