All photos property of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
No duplication, reprinting, or use permitted without written consent of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
Party of Pioneers Summer 1935 Photo reads "Party of Pioneers assembled at the C.E. Baer home, summer of 1935"
List of names L to R are as follows: Miss Maud Keller, Irene Booco Crawford, Mrs. C.H. Leckenby, Mrs. Corrick, Mrs. A.T. Bomier, Mary Shaw McClelland, Delia Clark Shaw, Mrs. J.H. Crawford, Mother Gilmore, Mrs. Elmer E. Baer, Mary Crawford King, Miss Laura Monson, Mrs. F.H. Gilmore, Mrs. J.E. Love, Mrs. R.H. Lobb, Miss Lulita Crawford Pritchett, Dora Keller McKinlay, Mrs. Jane Phinney, Mr. E.A. Brooks, Mrs. J.H. Brooks, Mrs. A. J. Leckenby, Mrs. E.A. Brooks, Lulie Crawford Pritchett, Miss Margaret Pritchett, Cushy Suttle Groesbeck, Mrs. Art Turner, Miss Effie Brooks, Mrs. O.R. West, Mrs. E.H. Zimmerman, Alma Woolery Baer.
*Scan only. Original with donor. Katherine Edwards/Baer Family Steamboat Springs Parade/Event Pioneers B & W Photo Scanner: Epson V700 Photo