All photos property of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
No duplication, reprinting, or use permitted without written consent of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
Lincoln Ave/U.S. 40 c. 1930s Black and white photo down Lincoln Ave. Sleeping Giant/Elk Mountain visible in the distance. Photo taken near the corner of Lincoln and 7th Street. Businesses visible in photo include Rexall Drugs, Furlongs, F.M. Light, and Lyon Drug on the right and the Rehder building and Chief Theater on the left. "U.S. 40 thru Steamboat Springs - Colo." written on photo in white.
Photo attached to scrapbook page with other similar photos; stored together. H.D. Alexander MAHFAB Steamboat Springs Lincoln Ave. Mercantile/Livery/Blacksmith Scenic B & W Photo Scanner: Epson V700 Photo