All photos property of the Tread of Pioneers Museum.
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Focus Ranch 1952-53 City kids sit on a split rail fence waiting to saddle up for a trail ride.
Pictured Right to left: Alan Russell (5 years old), Bill Russell, Mary Russell (Drake), Gail Smith.
At this time, the donor remembers: "Shorty and Lucy Temple ran the ranch, with help from Pat who had just had her first child." "when I was 11 and 12, I spent time at the Focus Ranch from Des Plaines, Ill. With my parents and two younger brothers. What a fun time we had--riding horses, "helping" brand cattle, fishing in the river, talking to the cowboys, square dancing and all the other activities. My father donned blue jeans, a flannel shirt and cowboy hat for the first time in his life." Mary Drake Mary Drake Routt County Ranching/Farming/Milling Cowboys/Horses/Stage Coach B & W Photo Scanner: Epson V700 Photo