Photo Pricing

I. Print fees (personal use/display pricing; if for other use, please add the below usage fees to these print fees.)
Due to the wide variety of sizes of our originals, we cannot guarantee that all prints will be standard paper size.
Larger mural sizes available with staff arrangement.
Add the below usage fees to the above print prices, if applicable.

II. Digital Files** (TIFFS or JPEGS at 300 dpi or larger; please specify your file size/format need)
$20 per image file (includes CD-ROM if needed) + add the below applicable usage fees.

III. Usage Fees: If applicable, add the following usage fees, per image (quotes on larger publication runs will
be determined by the Executive Director)

Commercial decorative, offices, retail, stores, etc. add: $35.00
Advertising/Promotions in any media format, per image use (one copy of ad, etc.) add: $80.00
Advertising/Promotions in any media format, per image use (unlimited # of copies) add: $200.00
Book Jacket***/Magazine/Newspaper Cover  
(under 2500 copies) $50.00
(2501-10,000 copies) $100.00
(10,001-20,000 copies) $150.00
(20,001-30,000 copies) $200.00
(30,001-40,000 copies) $225.00
Book***/Magazine/Newspaper Interior  
(under 2500 copies) $15.00
(2501-5000 copies) $25.00
(5001-10,000 copies) $35.00
(10,001-20,000 copies) $45.00
(20,001-30,000 copies) $55.00
(30,001-40,000 copies) $65.00
Videotapes, DVDs and CDs (under 1000 copies) $35.00
Videotapes, DVDs and CDs (1001-2000 copies) $50.00
Videotapes, DVDs and CDs
(1001-2000 copies) $50.00
(3001-5000 copies) $100.00
(5001-8000 copies) $125.00
Television/Motion Picture (commercial) $180.00
Educational materials, any format Subject to review
Other Fees:

Rush Fee:

Varies- per request
State and local sales tax Currently 8.4%
Shipping and Handling Fees (on most orders; in the U.S.) $5.00 minimum
Additions to the above:
*1. Plus any additional scan or usage fee. 2. These sizes are contingent on the dimensions of the original photograph.
**Plus any additional usage fees; all CDs must be returned after use and all electronic files must be deleted from all user’s computers/files after use for approved one-time use project.
***1. Per image, per book edition. Includes books, memoirs
Discounts: 1. Non-profit organizations and projects are eligible for a 50% discount on usage fees only- not print fees. 2. The above usage fees may be discounted if the museum receives promotional value or merchandise in return for the use of the photographic images. The amount of the discount will depend on the amount of promotional value or merchandise received. For marketing trades in exchange for use of museum images, the museum will receive a minimum of $200 worth of marketing value per image used by the customer. 3. Customers ordering more than 10 images at a time may be eligible for a 50% discount on usage fees only- not print fees.

Click here to view the Tread Of Pioneers photo usage agreement and contract document.